Team Alabama in the 2014 Special Olympics USA Games
The Lee County Area Athletes and Coaches: Thank you for representing the Lee County Area and all your hard work.
Basketball Team: Front Row Left to Right: Gwendalyn Janigan (coach), Brooke Owens, Wiley Crowell, Ben Crowell, Christopher McPherson, Elijah Dunn, Britani Owens. Back Row Left to Right: Daniel Hiestand (coach), Justin Murphy, Gideon Wiegel, Donald Lee, Jeffrey Barnes, Kasey Kaschack (coach).
Bowling: Scott Branch
Swimming: Charissa Merritt
Track/Field: Steven Clark
Congratulations to Cynthia Caldwell-Jackson and William Cutright!
Congratulations to Cynthia Caldwell-Jackson and William Cutright, the 2014 recipients of the Amy Marie Bullock Distinguished Service Award. This award is given to a Lee County Special Olympics Volunteer or Coach in appreciation and recognition of his or her unselfish devotion and service to the athletes of Lee County, AL. Cynthia coaches track/field and volleyball, William coaches bowling and cycling. Thank you for continue support and dedication to Lee County Special Olympics.
Front Row Left: Cynthia Caldwell-Jackson

Center: William Cutright

Thank You to the Auburn Civitan Club!
A sincere Thank You goes out to our local Civitan Club for their continued support of the Lee County Special Olympics program. In addition to serving yummy refreshments and snacks, they also serve as key volunteers at our annual Lee County Bowling Tournament held every Spring. Recently, they also went above and beyond the call of duty and purchased ramps for our bowlers to use throughout the year in practice and also at competition. Many of our bowlers are in wheelchairs or are not able to handle the full weight of the bowling ball and therefore compete in the Ramp Assisted category. The more ramps we have the less time an athlete has to sit on the sideline and wait to practice or compete. THANK YOU Auburn Civitans!