The Auburn City Council has approved an ordinance authorizing the 2010 Sales Tax Holiday Weekend for Friday, August 6 - Sunday, August 8.
Items exempt from sales tax during the holiday weekend fall into three major categories:
Clothing - All human wearing apparel suitable for general use is exempt unless it otherwise appears on the taxable list; clothing items must cost $100 or less per article of clothing to be exempt.
Computers and Computer Software - A single purchase with a sales price of $750 or less will be exempt. Items exempt include computers, computer software, and school computer supplies.
School Supplies - Any items of $50 or less per item commonly used by a student in a course of study will be exempt. Supplies may include art supplies, reference maps and globes, textbooks on an official school book list with a sales price of more than $30 but less than $50, and books with a sales price of $30 or less per book. An all-inclusive list of exempt school supplies may be found in the Sales Tax Holiday Brochure link on the left
- Clothing accessories such as handbags, jewelry, sunglasses, and umbrellas
- Protective equipment such as breathing masks, hard hats, helmets, and safety belts
- Sports or recreational equipment such as ballet or tap shoes, athletic gloves, goggles, or shin guards
- Furniture
- Any systems, devices, software, or peripherals designed or intended primarily for recreational use
- Video games
- Magazines, newspapers, periodicals, or any other document printed or offered for sale in a non-bound form
Free Parking
For more information, please contact the City of Auburn Revenue Office at 501-7239.