Greenspace Advisory Board


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Greenspace Advisory Board Background Information

The City of Auburn stands at the threshold of significant growth.  The City Council's longstanding commitment to the concept of improvement through planned change coupled with a history of interest in and concern about open space preservation led to the appointment of a "Greenspace Task Force" in October 1999.  The Task Force was charged with making a report on the following items:

  1. to study existing sidewalk and open space conditions in the City;
  2. to consider funding sources and potential methods for future land acquisition;
  3. to propose a greenways master plan that identifies corridors for alternative non-motorized transportation and that enhances protection of environmentally sensitive areas; and
  4. to make recommendations for implementation of the proposed greenways plan.

This report was released in February 2001.  The Greenspace Advisory Board developed due to a need to continue to perform these functions as the City of Auburn continues to develop and expand.  For more information about our duties and goals, please see the Duties and Goals page.

To see the original report of the Greenspace Task Force (dated February 2001), please click the link below.  This is a large PDF document, so we recommend right clicking on it and choosing "Save Target As..." to save the document to your computer.


Greenspace Advisory Board and the City Zoning Ordinance

The City of Auburn's Zoning Ordinance is available online here.  The two main sections that deal with greenspace are Articles IV and V. Article IV (General Regulations) covers things like what type of land can be used for what purpose, and sets up some basic standards for preservation of natural resources.  Article V (Detailed Regulations) defines more specific rules for things like yard size and landscaping and maintenance requirements, and sets up a system of development incentives that help to conserve space and resources.