
The Auburn Fire Division is responsible for responding to the needs of our community 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. These needs include, but are not limited to: fire suppression; rescue; ambulance assist; hazardous material incidents; weather related events; and any other emergency where the need for assistance exists.

Auburn Firefighters respond to emergency incidents from 5 fire stations strategically located throughout the City. Operating out of the 5 fire stations are: 4 fire engines (pumpers), 2 combination ladder / pumper trucks (quints), and 1 command vehicle. We also have the capability to staff 1 reserve fire engine (pumper) if it is needed. 

Auburn Fire Division personnel typically work a 24-hour shift and then are off duty for 48 hours before repeating the work cycle. There are 3 shifts (“A,” “B” or “C”) and shift change occurs at 7 a.m. daily. Each shift has a minimum of 21 personnel working each day.

In addition to responding to both emergency and non-emergency incidents, shift personnel conduct pre-fire planning; fire hydrant maintenance; participate in continuing education and skills training; public fire prevention education events; and perform apparatus, equipment and station upkeep.

Auburn Fire Station #1
Headquarters Station
359 East Magnolia Avenue

Auburn Fire Station #2
1520 Shug Jordan Parkway 

Auburn Fire Station #3
685 Ogletree Road 

 Auburn Fire Station #4
1299 Stoker Street

Auburn Fire Station #5
234 Technology Parkway