

The Water Works Board of the City of Auburn (AWWB) has worked for many years on long-range plans to ensure the adequacy of the local water supply. The fact is that the AWWB is very well situated to meet the immediate and long-term water needs of Auburn citizens.

James Estes Water Treatment Plant

Lake Ogletree

James Estes Water Treatment Plant





James Estes Water Treatment Plant Staff

Rick McCarty, Water Plant Manager
Alan Howard, Chief Water Plant Operator

James Estes Water Treatment Plant

Well No. 3

Here are some facts about the AWWB's water supply:

  • Auburn's primary water supply source is Lake Ogletree, a 300 acre impoundment located in Southeast Auburn.
  • Water from Lake Ogletree is treated at the James Estes Water Treatment Plant which has a permitted capacity of 8 MGD.
  • The AWWB Well No. 3 was put into service in June of 2012. The well supplies 1.2 MGD of finished (treated) water.
  • Under a joint contract with Opelika Utilities where the two utilities constructed a new treatment facility in the mid-1980s, the AWWB can purchase up to 3.6 MGD of finished (treated) water from Opelika Utilities.
  • The current water supply capacity is 12.8 MGD.
  • The current average usage for the system is 6.9 million gallons per day (MGD).
  • Source Water Assessments are required by the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act and by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) regulations. The following are links to the Lake Ogletree Source Water Assessment Report and the AWWB Well No. 3 Source Water Protection Area Delineation Report.



The City of Auburn Water Division operates under the direction of the Water Resource Management Department with a staff of 27 full time employees. The Water Division is responsible for the inspection, maintenance and repair of the City's Water Treatment and Distribution Systems. The Water Division also operates and maintains the James Estes Water Treatment Plant located on Binford Drive here in Auburn.



The Water Division strives to keep in line with the latest innovations and technology available by:

  • Providing technical assistance and recommendations to the citizens of Auburn as well as other City Departments concerning the operation and maintenance of the Water Treatment and Distribution System.
  • Operation, maintenance and repair of the Water Treatment and Distribution System.
  • Working cooperatively with other City Departments to address the future water needs of the City based on current demand and anticipated growth and development.
  • Encouraging community education and promoting community participation in the efforts to conserve and maintain our water resources.
  • Keeping apprised of the best available technology and procedures relating to water supply and treatment, system maintenance and inspection and water distribution.


The Water Division is responsible for the inspection, maintenance and repair of the following components of the Water Distribution System:

  • Approximately 320 miles of water mains
  • An estimated 2680 fire hydrants
  • Approximately 6000 water valves
  • Approximately 22,608 water meters

Useful links: