Review of Zoning Ordinance

Review of the Zoning Ordinance

The Auburn Zoning Ordinance requires that the members of the Planning Commission review the Ordinance on an on-going basis. This review typically results in the recommendation of changes to both the text and the map, which are presented to the City Council for consideration for adoption.

To ensure that all possible issues are considered, the Commission is extending an invitation to any person or organization to submit their ideas for items relating to the Zoning Ordinance that they feel should be addressed during the review. Such items can be submitted

By mail to:

Planning Department
Development Services Building
171 North Ross Street, Suite 100
Auburn, AL 36830

By phone:


By email:

[email protected]

The Commission members and staff will meet as needed to discuss and formulate proposed changes. Generally these meetings will be held at 4:00 to 6:00 pm on Tuesdays in the Development Services Building Conference Room. This schedule may change, so please check the listings below for the upcoming meeting dates.


These are meetings at which the members of the Planning Commission discuss issues and formulate proposals that ultimately may be presented as potential changes to the Zoning Ordinance. While anyone can, and is welcome to attend, these meetings are not public hearings, and comments from those present will be entertained at the discretion of the Commission members. Any proposals formulated by the Commission members will be presented at public hearings later.


Topics may change depending on review time and any additional information requested by Planning Commission or other review participants. For more information on the work sessions, please contact the Auburn Planning Department at (334) 501-3040.

FY 2015 Planning Commission Work Session Schedule

October 7, 2014 Planning Commission Training Session #1 - Overview of the Planning Process
October 21, 2014 Planning Commission Training Session #2 - Defensible, Ethical Decision Making
November 18, 2014 Planning Commission Training Session #3 - Conducting the Planning Commission Meetings
January 20, 2015 Planning Commission Training Session #4 - Legal Framework for the Planning Commission
February 17, 2015 Planning Commission Training Session #5 - Current Issues in Planning for Planning Commissioners
March 17, 2015 Proposed South College and Interstate Commercial Districts (SCCD and ICD)